I'm back, after what seemed like a never ending string of holidays. I guess if you start a food blog you're pretty much guaranteed to be gifted some cookbooks, and sure enough I was given two great ones for Christmas-- Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian and Tea and Crumpets which is full of such beautiful looking treats that I keep leafing through it like a picture book. So, you can expect some projects to turn up from those books soon I'm sure.
Also I have a few New Years cooking resolutions that hopefully (maybe?) I will follow through on...
1. Learn to make more sauces from scratch, both simple ones that I would normally buy in a jar and some more complex
2. Expand my spices outside the usual cast of characters
3. Continue ongoing baking quest. Try to make more savory baked goods, not just cookies (as awesome as they are)
4. Make an effort to cook more vegan food. This means you cheese. I'm not saying let's end it, but we need some space. It's not you, its me (well... and you too a bit)
How about you, any cooking plans for the new decade? Actual food and recipes are on the way soon I promise.