thai red curry
brown rice
ginger roasted carrots
I'm disappointed with how this picture turned out. The curry looked so beautiful the night I made it, but after sitting overnight it turned into a reddish grey mush. It tastes just as good, but aesthetically I could wish for a better lunch box. Oh well. At least I've discovered that it's quite easy to make food that I've up to now been considering a splurge take-out treat. I've been a little afraid of Thai recipes after a debacle a year or so ago trying to make green papaya salad that turned out smelling (according to James) "like tuna fish can water". Yeah, that was gross. Oh but speaking of fish, make sure to read the label on your curry paste, since some can contain fish.
1 14oz can coconut milk
1/2 cup water
2 tbs thai red curry paste
two handfuls of unsalted peanuts (1 cup?)
10-15 fresh basil leaves
1 large potato cubed (precooked in the microwave)
1 red pepper chopped
3 small blocks of firm tofu cubed
large handful of string beans
1 small onion
In large frying pan cook onion in a few tbs of olive oil on medium heat until clear.
Drain as much water as possible from the tofu before cubing and adding to pan. I buy the kind my produce place sells in little cartons, which is much thinner and smaller in size then the store bought tubs. If you're using one of those, I'd say maybe a 1/2 a tub would do. Keep stirring tofu while it cooks to keep from sticking.
Add red pepper and string beans. Cook for a few minutes until pepper begins to soften and string beans turn a brighter green.
Push veggies to one side of your pan. If you have a sloped kitchen like me, make sure to move it uphill. Pour coconut milk and 1/2 cup of water on the other half of your pan. Stir curry paste into coconut milk letting it dissolve fully before mixing sauce into the veggies. Bring to low boil.
Add peanuts, (precooked) potatoes, and fresh basil. Serve over rice.
6 carrots
2 large tbs of finely chopped fresh ginger
olive oil (in retrospect, sesame oil would have been great)
Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Toss chopped carrots, ginger, and dash of olive oil in large mixing bowl
Cover a baking tray with tin foil and spread out carrots in single layer
Bake for about 20 minutes. Turn carrots at least a couple times to keep from burning.